Berdiri sejak tahun 2009, yang awalnya kami namakan vastern graph, hingga kini berubah icon menjadi DAVIS
Brand ini berkonsep simple art , yang memiliki brand konsep Nature Industries , dengan tema The Part Of Life .
Brand ini lebih melihat kepada estetika alam dan sekitarnya, maka dari itu kami sebut dengan Nature Industries , dipadukan dengan seni gambar dan icon yang kami tuangkan dalam karya kami.Dan tagline The Part Of Life merupakan simbol yang kami gunakan berdasarkan acuan mengenai bagian dari kebutuhan hidup manusia.
Founded in 2009, which originally called vastern graph.But now it was changed to be DAVIS
This brand adopted the simple art concept , which has the concept of Nature Industries, with the theme called The Part Of Life.
Natural and aesthetic look is the way that could expressed our passion in this brand, why we call it Nature Industries ? because it was combined with art images and nature icons that we pour in our art works .And tagline The Part Of Life is a symbol that we use is based on the reference in the part of the necessities of human life.
This brand adopted the simple art concept , which has the concept of Nature Industries, with the theme called The Part Of Life.
Natural and aesthetic look is the way that could expressed our passion in this brand, why we call it Nature Industries ? because it was combined with art images and nature icons that we pour in our art works .And tagline The Part Of Life is a symbol that we use is based on the reference in the part of the necessities of human life.